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Top legislator says to further legislative cooperation with Thailand
Posted: November-11-2010Adjust font size:
 Wu Bangguo (L) meets with Chai Chidchob, president of the Thai National Assembly and speaker of the House of Representatives in Bangkok, capital of Thailand, Nov. 10, 2010. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing)

BANGKOK, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Visiting top legislator Wu Bangguo met Chai Chidchob, President of the Thai National Assembly and Speaker of the House of Representatives here on Wednesday over stepping up bilateral legislative cooperation. Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, said one of the key purposes of his visit is to push forward exchanges between the two countries' legislatures.

"Legislative exchanges, which constitute an important part of bilateral relations, play a special role in enhancing friendship, deepening political trust, promoting practical cooperation and forwarding the comprehensive development of bilateral ties," said Wu, who arrived here on Wednesday for a four-day official visit.

Strengthening exchanges between the two countries' legislatures will contribute to each other's national construction and development, Wu said.

The Chinese top legislator said the National People's Congress of China is ready to further friendly exchanges with Thai parliament at various levels and exchange experiences in governing the country, administrating government affairs, developing economy, improving people's lives, maintaining social stability, promoting national solidarity and strengthening democracy and legislation so as to push forward bilateral cooperation in economy, politics and culture and enrich contents for and add vitality to bilateral relations.

Highly evaluating bilateral relations, Wu said both sides have been consistently rendering support for major issues related to each other's core interests, pressing economic and trade cooperation ahead, unfolding cultural exchanges, developing people- to-people exchanges since the establishment of diplomatic ties 35 years ago.

These efforts have brought not only tangible benefits to the two countries and the two peoples, but also contributed to regional peace, stability and development, Wu said.

Echoing Wu's comments, Chai Chidchob said Thai Parliament and the House of Representatives cherish ties with China's National People's Congress and is ready to further bilateral exchanges and cooperation.

Wu arrived in Bangkok on Wednesday after wrapping up his visit to Indonesia. He also visited Cambodia before.

 Wu Bangguo (L) presents a Chinese embroidery to Chai Chidchob, president of the Thai National Assembly and speaker of the House of Representatives in Bangkok, capital of Thailand, Nov. 10, 2010. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing)
Source: Xinhua 2010-11-10Editor: Lydia
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