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Wu Bangguo meets Indonesian president over deepening bilateral ties
Posted: November-11-2010Adjust font size:

JAKARTA, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) -- Visiting top legislator Wu Bangguo met Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Wednesday and they agreed to deepen bilateral strategic partnership.

Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, the country's top legislature, first relayed Chinese President Hu Jintao's concern over recent earthquake, ensuing tsunami and volcano eruptions in Indonesia.

President Hu said the Chinese government and people will stand side by side with Indonesian people and render support to its disaster relief and reconstruction, Wu said.

Referring to bilateral ties, Wu said the current China- Indonesia relations are at an all-time high and cooperation in various fields has just been unfolding, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples and fostering regional peace, stability and development.

China has always been viewing and developing its relations with Indonesia from a strategic view and in a long term, Wu said. Noting that this year serves as the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties, as well as the friendly year between the two countries.

Wu said both sides should take this as a new beginning to step up cooperation in economy, politics, defense, culture, human resources development and youth exchanges so as to jointly make China-Indonesia ties developing at a high level in a long term. Wu also said economic and trade cooperation serves both as an important part in overall bilateral relations and an important guarantee for bilateral ties to remain full of energy and momentum.

Both countries have a sound basis for cooperation as Indonesia will carry out a new development scheme and prioritize infrastructure construction and the establishment of an industry system, while China has accumulated rich experiences in its 30 years of opening up and reform, the top Chinese legislator said.

Wu hoped both sides could joint efforts in laying emphasis to the cooperation in infrastructure construction and large project cooperation so that new growth points will be fostered and developed in bilateral economic and trade cooperation.

Echoing Wu's words, Susilo said Indonesia is ready to enhance and deepen its strategic partnership with China and will join hands with China to actively implement the cooperation agreements and consensus reached by the two sides and strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

Susilo also welcomed Chinese enterprises to participate in Indonesia's economic development and expand their investment in the country's infrastructure.

Wu arrived in Indonesia on Saturday, after his official visit to Cambodia, for an official visit and visited to Thailand Wednesday afternoon, which is the last stop of his three-nation Southeast Asia tour.

Source: Xinhua 2010-11-10Editor: Lydia
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